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DOSCH 3D: Passenger Transportation V1.1

Product-Code: D3D-PAT

24 detailed and completely textured vehicles.

Price: EUR 99.00

This product is only available as a download.

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Dosch 3D: Passenger Transportation contains 24 passenger transportation vehicles such as campmobiles, buses, streetcars and high-speed trains. The realistic-looking, fully textured 3D models are very detailed and ideal for display in animations, illustrations and visualizations.







The completely textured 3D-models are provided in multiple file formats: 3DS, 3dsmax (version 9 and above), 3dsmax an Vray, 3dsmax and Mental Ray, DXF, DWG, FBX, OBJ, Universal3D, VRML, Lightwave, SoftimageXSI, Cinema 4D (version 12 and above), Artlantis, Modo LXO.

Since Dosch Design does not (cannot) know how the buyer will use/change the 3D models/objects of trademarked products, we advise the buyer/user of the models/objects to contact the manufacturer prior (!) to the publication of the new 3D-designs, and verify that the -intended- final design product is in compliance with the legal use of the protected image/trademark.

All 3D models can be adjusted as desired and adapted as needed:

  • Scaling: this can be adapted to your needs
  • Materials and textures can be freely adapted and changed
  • All colors can be changed as desired- own textures / labels can be applied
  • individual elements can be switched on or off
  • Individual elements can be changed in transparency - from completely visible to invisible
  • Animation: all elements can be animated individually, or the 3D model as a whole
  • The 3D models can be edited / edited as desired. They also serve perfectly as a starting point for very own 3D model creations.
  • The lighting of the 3D scenes can be chosen freely by you



3DS (522,34 MB)

3ds max (version 9 and above) (837,41 MB)

3dsmax V9 +MentalRay (784,28 MB)

3dsmax V9 +VRay (784,03 MB)

Artlantis (1.047,45 MB)

C4D Version R12 - R22 (441,90 MB)

DWG (1.126,59 MB)

DXF (851,72 MB)

Lightwave 6.5 and above (37,06 MB)

Modo (LXO) (31,57 MB)

OBJ (620,97 MB)

VRML (872,53 MB)

FBX - exclusive download (918,11 MB)

Softimage XSI - exclusive download (853,58 MB)

Universal 3D - exclusive download (1.229,12 MB)

This product is only available as a download.

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