DOSCH 3D: Food & Groceries

Product-Code: D3D-FGR

170 3d-models of foodstuff.


EUR 49.00

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DOSCH 3D: Food & Groceries contains 170 fully textured 3D models.


Use these 3D-models for architectural visualization, interior design, animation or illustration of hotel lobbies, posh villas, museums and other high-profile surroundings.


The completely textured 3D-models are provided in multiple file formats: FBX, 3DS, 3dsmax (version 8 and above), Lightwave (version 6 and above), Maya (version 4 and above), OBJ, VRML and Cinema 4D (version 8 and above).




All 3D models can be adjusted as desired and adapted as needed:

  • Scaling: this can be adapted to your needs
  • Materials and textures can be freely adapted and changed
  • All colors can be changed as desired- own textures / labels can be applied
  • individual elements can be switched on or off
  • Individual elements can be changed in transparency - from completely visible to invisible
  • Animation: all elements can be animated individually, or the 3D model as a whole
  • The 3D models can be edited / edited as desired. They also serve perfectly as a starting point for very own 3D model creations.
  • The lighting of the 3D scenes can be chosen freely by you


3DS (174,46 MB)

3ds max (version 8 and above) (213,12 MB)

C4D Version V8 and above (210,99 MB)

Lightwave 6.5 and above (134,53 MB)

Maya (version 4 and above) (308,16 MB)

OBJ (248,97 MB)

Softimage XSI (269,67 MB)

VRML (237,13 MB)

FBX - exclusive download (476,29 MB)

Photoshop 3D - exclusive download (1.449,04 MB)

This product is only available as a download.


Food, vegetable, meal, fried, egg, cover, plate, cutlery, fork, measurer, spoon, apples, oranges, tomato, lemon, cup, spoon, chili, pepperoni, soup, dish, tomato, salmon, plate, bread, measurer, cheese, platter, tray, slices, juice, concentrate, sausages, cans, tins, roots, parsley, root, cardboard, tangerine, glasses, jam, mustard, paprika, French, fries, bratwurst, allium, avocado, salami, peperoni, lime, peach, box, crate, basket, bottle, oil, ketchup, mayonnaise, bowl, cherry, spice, shaker, kiwi, pear, water, nut, peas, plate, spinach, salad, corn box, kidney, bean, parsley, honey, mushrooms, rung, tablets, tablet, pill, tray, aubergine, plant, zuccini, courgette, radish, caper, yogurt, plastics, packing, fish, box, one-way, package, banana, pomegranate, papaya, pawpaw, kaki, kohlrabi, ring, tin, pineapple, liver, spring, bulb, herbs, chicken, coffee, lump, sugar, bowl, paper, sandwich, tomato, croissant, raspberry, potato, beetroot, beets, berries, berry, tobasco, seasoning, noodle, corncob, nutmeg, peach, pumpkin, gourd, tangerine, plum, kumquat, date, alkekengi, nectarine, peach, pills, pots, pan, tea, beverage, cocktail, horned, melon, yellow, boletus, litchi, lychee, strawberry, okra, ladys, finger, paste, form, ice, pastry, pizza, shell, great, scallop, mussel, finger, stick, dessert, sweet, refeeds, ice-cream, wine, lobster, steak, star, shopping, bag, cake, pudding, caviar, dummy, chilli, pouch, corn, popcorn, olive, seafood, dummie, grapes, prawn, crab, grape, coffee, bean, fruits, nourriture, aliment, légumes, repas, œuf, plat, couvert, assiette, fourchette, couteau, cuillère, pommes, citron, coquetier, piment, rouge, poivron, potage, soupe, assiette, creuse, cuillère, saumon, pain, couteau, pain, plateau, fromage, jus, saucisse, saucisson, charcuterie, boîte, persil, verre, confiture, sénevé, moutarde, poivron, chipolata, grillée, griller, rôtir, poireau, avocat, vert, pêche, Francfort, caisse, bouteille, lait, huile, mayonnaise, compotier, cerise, poire, pastèque, noisette, noix, boîte, fer-blanc, épinard, salade, maïs, haricot rouge, persil, champignon, pousse, comprimé, courgettes, radis, yaourt, grenade, papaye, chou-rave, pâté, foie, oignon, printanier, herbes, café, sucre, petite, corne, framboise, terre, patate, betterave, rouge, baie, épice, nouille, pâtes, épi, maïs, muscade, citrouille, courge, prune, datte, brugnon, nectarine, casserole, poêle, thé, boisson, cèpe, fraise, gombo, glace, pâtisseries, moules, coquille Saint-Jacques, bâtonnet, poisson, coupe glacée, vin, homard, darne, saumon grillée, carambole, sac, provisions, gâteau, tarte, flan, caviar, pop-corn, mer, grappe, raisin, grain, café, frutto, nutrimento, alimento, frutta, verdura, uovo, tegame, coperto, piatto, posata, forchetta, coltello, cucchiaio, pomo, mela, melarancia, limone, uovo, portauova, cucchiaino, uova, peperoncino, minestra, zuppa, piatto, fondo, crema, pomodori, cucchiaio, minestra, salmone, pagnotta, pane, formaggio, succo, limone, salsiccia, prezzemolo, mandarino, bicchiere, marmellata, senape, peperoncino, patate, fritte, salsiccia, arrosto, porro, salame, pesca, bottiglia, olio, ciliegia, pomodoro, pera, cocomero, noce, spinacio, insalata, fagiolo, fungo, ramo, melanzana, zucchino, ravanello, cappero, yogurt, balausta, granata, papaia, cavolo, rapa, salsiccia, fegato, cippollotto, cipolla, erba, caffè, zucchero, panino, imbottito, cornetto, lampone, patatas, barbabietola, spezia, pasta, pannocchia, noce, moscata, zucca, prugna, mandarino, cinese, dattero, pescanoce, pignatta, padella, tisana, bevanda, fungo, porcino, litchi, fragola, gelato, pasticceria, biscotti, capasanta, bastoncino, pesce, dolce, coppetta, vino, gambero, borsa, spesa, torta, budino, caviale, oliva, frutti, mare, grappolo, d'uva, chicco, caffè, fruta, alimento, verdura, huevo, frito, estrellado, comida, cubierto, plato, cubertería, tenedor, cuchillo, cuchara, manzana, naranja, limón, huevera, chile, ají, guindilla, sopa, tomate, cuchara, sopera, salmón, queso, zumo, limón, salchicha, mandarina, copa, mermelada, mostaza, papas, fritas, salchicha, butifarra, puerro, aguacate, salame, limón, lima, melocotón, durazno, botella, aceite, cereza, actinidia, pera, melón, sandía, patilla, nuez, espinaca, ensalada, frijol, perejil, seta, hongo, callampa, berenjena, calabacín, zapallito, italiano, rabanillo, rabanito, yogur, plátano, granada, lechosa, colirrábano, piña, paté, hígado, cebolleta, cebolla, hierbas, aromáticas, ajiaco, azúcar, sánduche, cruasán, medialuna, frambuesa, betabel, condimento, especia, choclo, elote, mazorca, panocha, jojoto, moscada, calabaza, auyama, zapallo, ciruela, dátil, briñón, pelón, olla, sartén, cazuela, , bebida, refresco, cóctel, seta, comestible, fresa, frutilla, fresón, helado, bollo, pasteles, marisco, ostra, jacobea, palito, pescado, postre, copa, bogavante, carambola, pescado, bolsa, compra, queque, torta, bizcochuelo, puding, tarta, cotufa, palomitas, mariscos, uvas, grano, café, ciasto, lettuce, insalate, cantarello, produits, laitiers, solati
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