DOSCH 3D: House Installation

Product-Code: D3D-HOUINS

Detailed 3D-model of a virtual house including electric and sanitary installation.


EUR 49.00

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The product DOSCH 3D: House Installation contains a detailed 3D-model of a virtual house including electric and sanitary installation..


The completely textured 3D-models are provided in multiple file formats: 3DS, 3dsmax (version 4 and above), Lightwave (version 6.5 and above), OBJ, Maya (version 4 and above), VRML, SoftimageXSI, Cinema 4D (version 8.5 and above).



3DS (78,04 MB)

3ds max (version 4 and above) (136,68 MB)

C4D Version V8.5 and above (59,07 MB)

Lightwave 6.5 and above (69,89 MB)

Maya (version 4 and above) (204,17 MB)

OBJ (144,30 MB)

Softimage XSI (167,96 MB)

VRML (167,18 MB)

This product is only available as a download.


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