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DOSCH 3D: Agriculture Vehicles V2

Product-Code: D3D-AGRVEHV2

26 detailed non-branded (generic) 3D-models of agriculture utility vehicles.

Price: EUR 99.00

This product is only available as a download.

Attractive quantity discounts up to 10% are displayed directly in the shopping cart.


This product offers a collection of 26 intricately crafted 3D-models of various brand neutral (generic) farm machinery and agricultural vehicles.




The completely textured 3D-models are provided in multiple file formats: 3DS, 3dsmax (version 9 and above), 3dsmax V9 & VRay, 3dsmax V9 & Mental Ray, Artlantis (.aof and .atl), Artlantis ATLO, Lightwave (version 6 and above), FBX, Modo, OBJ, Maya, KeyShot, SoftimageXSI, Cinema 4D version 13 and above, Cinema 4D version 15 and above, Cinema4D & Vray, GLB, DWG (no textures) and DXF (no textures).
The product is also available in the STEP (.stp) format.



All 3D models can be adjusted as desired and adapted as needed:

  • Scaling: this can be adapted to your needs
  • Materials and textures can be freely adapted and changed
  • All colors can be changed as desired- own textures / labels can be applied
  • individual elements can be switched on or off
  • Individual elements can be changed in transparency - from completely visible to invisible
  • Animation: all elements can be animated individually, or the 3D model as a whole
  • The 3D models can be edited / edited as desired. They also serve perfectly as a starting point for very own 3D model creations.
  • The lighting of the 3D scenes can be chosen freely by you



3DS (445,27 MB)

3ds max (version 9 and above) (996,70 MB)

3dsmax V9 +MentalRay (1.090,94 MB)

3dsmax V9 +VRay (1.090,96 MB)

Artlantis (1.036,53 MB)

Artlantis 6 (.atlo) (485,67 MB)

C4D ab V13 + Vray (348,21 MB)

C4D Version R13 - R19 (527,05 MB)

C4D Version R15 - R25 (634,44 MB)

Collada DAE (752,39 MB)

DWG (827,52 MB)

DXF (745,43 MB)

FBX (992,69 MB)

GLB (840,08 MB)

KeyShot (736,96 MB)

Lightwave 6.5 and above (466,73 MB)

Maya (version 8 and above) (1.082,82 MB)

Modo (LXO) (454,67 MB)

OBJ (594,63 MB)

Softimage XSI (831,38 MB)

STEP (.stp) (4.761,27 MB)

Universal 3D (1.271,65 MB)

VRML (744,46 MB)

This product is only available as a download.



Bulldog, tractor unit, combine harvester, mower, round baler, forklift, plow, harrow, horse transporter, pickup, front loader, transfer trailer, disc harrow, tillage, soil cultivation, Generic vehicles, concept vehicles, brand-independent vehicles, vehicle concepts, future vehicles, prototype vehicles, Beet harvesters, corn pickers, forage harvester attachments, front packers, catch crop spreaders, tractor attachments, mower conditioners, swath aerators, silage presses, slurry cultivators, plant protection equipment, row cultivators, compost turners, soil loosening equipment, seedbed preparers, weed harrows, harvest transporters, conveyor belts, grain augers, field sprayer trailers, manure blowers, field sprayers, trailed sprayers, disc ploughs, rotary harrows, tine rotors, seed spreaders, fertilizer spreaders, transport trailers, livestock transporters, slurry spreaders, weed harrows, row tillers, potato planters, sugar beet planters, forestry tractors, log haulers, round balers, square balers, silo cutters, mowers, disc harrows, seed drills, manure spreaders, forage harvesters, forestry machines, wine-growing equipment, fruit-growing equipment, tillers, seed drills, transport vehicles, forklifts, Snow plows, sweepers, irrigation systems, seedbed combiners, tractors, loaders, silage wagons, chippers, combine harvesters, balers, slurry tankers, sprayers (crop protection sprayers), tedders, rakes, front loaders, mulchers, potato harvesters, sugar beet harvesters, silage equipment, cultivators, harrows, tractors, harvesters, plows, trailers, cultivators, seeders, fertiliser machines, agricultural vehicles, field tillage equipment, agricultural machinery, agricultural landscape design, agricultural animation, field vehicles, agricultural visualisation, tractor visualisation, harvester models, agricultural scenes, agricultural economy models, field working machines, agricultural technology visualisation, agricultural vehicle design, agricultural landscape planning, machine animation, agricultural implements, agricultural landscape illustration, field technology, agricultural modelling, agricultural landscape animation, 3D agricultural vehicles, agricultural models, agricultural vehicle models, 3D models, simulation, visualisation, Agriculture simulation, agricultural engineering models, tractor models, machine models, field simulation, agriculture design, agricultural design, 3D visualization, agriculture planning, agricultural landscape, machine visualization, agriculture illustration, agricultural development, field machine models, 3D agricultural engineering, farm engineering, agricultural vehicles, commercial vehicles, field work, tillage, seeding machines, fertilizing machines, harvesting technology, agricultural trailers, tractor accessories, agricultural economy, field machines, farm engineering, agricultural technology, land use, agricultural industry, tillage equipment, harvesting equipment, agricultural production, agricultural vehicles, agriculture, vehicles, tractors, agricultural machinery, harvesters, plows, trailers, cultivators, farm, fields, harvest, agricultural equipment, agricultural engineering, heavy machinery, agricultural technology, agricultural vehicles, arable farming, agricultural machinery engineering, 3D models, 3D scenes, 3D visualization, 3D rendering, CGI, computer generated imagery, product design, animation, 3D design, virtual environments, 3D graphics, high poly models, low poly models, 3D objects, 3D library, VFX, real-time rendering, game design, 3D mockups, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 3D worlds, 3D assets, prototyping, 3D animations, 3D integration, visual FX (VFX), industrial design, 3D illustrations, simulation, 3D product visualization, Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender, CryEngine, Vehicles, Mobility, Mobility concepts, Mobility solutions, Transport, Traffic, Means of transport, Smart Mobility
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