DOSCH 3D: Trees & Conifers for Maxwell Render

Product-Code: D3D-TC3-MR

Maxwell Render optimized version of Trees & Conifers.


EUR 49.00

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DOSCH 3D: Trees & Conifers V3 for Maxwell Render is a valuable resource for designers, architects, and visual artists who require high-quality 3D models of trees and conifers.

The completely textured 3D-models are directly provided in the Maxwell Render format (.mxs). And all materials have been optimized for the direct use in Maxwell Studio.


All 3D models can be adjusted as desired and adapted as needed:

  • Scaling: this can be adapted to your needs
  • Materials and textures can be freely adapted and changed
  • All colors can be changed as desired- own textures / labels can be applied
  • individual elements can be switched on or off
  • Individual elements can be changed in transparency - from completely visible to invisible
  • Animation: all elements can be animated individually, or the 3D model as a whole
  • The 3D models can be edited / edited as desired. They also serve perfectly as a starting point for very own 3D model creations.
  • The lighting of the 3D scenes can be chosen freely by you


Maxwell Render (304,03 MB)

This product is only available as a download.


Tree, trees, forest, wood, woods, Wälder, branch, branches, sheet, sheets, crust, oak, beech, fir, shrubs, coniferous tree, conifer, deciduous tree, broad-leafed tree, needle, leaves, green, autumn, winter, spring, summer, nature, garden, environment, leaves, treetop, tree top, branch, trunk, root, Birke, weeping willow, palm, Pappel, poplar, maple, red beech, Walnuss, walnut, spruce, Pinie, pine-tree, birch tree, larch, Zypresse, cypress, sumac, Vegetation, vegetation, forêt, bois, brousse, forestier, forestière, sylvestre, arbre, arborisé, arborisée, branche, feuille, écorce, chêne, hêtre, sapin, buisson, arbre résineux, conifère, arbre à feuilles, arbre feuillu, résineux, résineuse, feuillage, feuilles, frondaison, automne, hiver, printemps, renouveau, été, jardin, sommet, cime, ramille, branche, rameau, tronc, racine, bouleau, saule pleureur, palmier, peuplier, érable, hêtre, noix, épicéa, sapin rouge, pignon, mélèze, cyprès, végétation, albero, arboreo, arborea, selva, foresta, boschivo, boschiva, bosco, branca, ramo, foglia, buccia, corteccia, quercia, faggio, abete, cespuglio, arbusto, conifera, albero frondifero, latifoglia, foglie, frasca, fronde, autunno, inverno, primavera, estate, natura, giardino, ambiente, rametto, tronco, tronco d'albero, barba, betulla, salice piangente, palma, pioppo, acero, faggio, noce, abete rosso, peccio, pino, larice, cipresso, sommacco, vegetazione, árbol, arbóreo, arbórea, bosque, floresta, rama, hoja, folio, corteza, ritidoma, roble, haya, abeto, arbusto, frútice, penacho, mata, conífera, árbol frondoso, acícula, pino, follaje, otoño, otoñal, invierno, hibernal, primavera, primaveral, verano, estival, naturaleza, jardín, cima, tronco, raíz, abedul, sauce llorón, palmera, guano, álamo, chopo, arce, haya, nuez, nogal, pícea, alerce, lárice, ciprés, vegetación3D models, 3D scenes, 3D visualization, 3D rendering, CGI, computer generated imagery, product design, animation, 3D design, virtual environments, 3D graphics, high poly models, low poly models, 3D objects, 3D library, VFX, real-time rendering, game design, 3D mockups, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 3D worlds, 3D assets, prototyping, 3D animations, 3D integration, visual FX (VFX), industrial design, 3D illustrations, simulation, 3D product visualization
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